Continuous integration

OxyPlot is now built at AppVeyor. This change has simplified the build system significantly and removed the need for a local build server. AppVeyor provides a great service that does both continuous integration and deployment for all platforms except the Xamarin ones.

The build is configured in the appveyor.yml file and handles both the develop and master branches.

The StyleCop, Gtk# and Lynx Toolkit prerequisities are now installed by chocolatey.

The NuGet packages will be updated by each build. The Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS packages are not included in the AppVeyor build, and are still built locally on a Mac. It would be great if we could get a similar build and deployment solution also for these projects…

The Silverlight “Example browser” will also be updated by each build.

Builds on the develop branch will get a pre-release suffix -alpha in the version numbers. This will make it possible to select between “Stable Only” and “Include Prerelease” versions in the NuGet manager.

Another great feature is that every pull request on GitHub will automatically trig a build on AppVeyor. A broken build will be shown on the pull request page!!